What is the Tinley In-Tune Comprehensive Plan?
It’s a forward-looking document that charts the course for Tinley’s growth, development, and economic well-being over the next two decades. It serves as a blueprint for strengthening Tinley Park as a vibrant and sustainable community, reflecting our shared community vision for the future.
What is the timeline for this Comprehensive Plan?
The process of developing a comprehensive plan is anticipated to be 12 to 18 months. Initiated in January 2024, we anticipate completing the planning process by early to mid-2025.
Why is the Tinley In-Tune Plan important?
This plan is an important tool for coordinating development, preserving our community’s character, supporting economic growth, and enhancing the quality of life for all residents. It ensures that growth is managed in a way that aligns with the community’s goals and priorities.
Who is supporting Tinley Park in the creation of this plan?
A team of urban planners and designers, community businesses and institutions, stakeholders, and—most importantly—Tinley residents. The process is collaborative, ensuring that the plan reflects a wide range of perspectives and aspirations. Tinley In-Tune is led by a consulting team composed of The Lakota Group, SB Friedman, Sam Schwartz, and Robinson Engineering.
How often is the Tinley In-Tune Plan updated?
To stay relevant and responsive to our community’s evolving needs, the plan should be revisited and updated every 5 to 10 years. This regular review and update process allows us to adapt to new trends, technologies, and challenges.
How can I contribute to the Tinley In-Tune Plan?
Yes, your input is vital! The planning process includes public meetings, workshops, surveys, and open forums designed to gather feedback and ideas from residents.
What topics does the Tinley In-Tune Plan cover?
It addresses key areas such as land use, housing, transportation networks, economic development, environmental stewardship, public services, health and wellness, and cultural resources, laying out strategies for each.
How does the plan adapt to changing community needs?
The plan is designed to be flexible, with mechanisms in place to amend it in response to significant changes in our community’s needs, ensuring it remains a relevant and effective guide.
How does the Tinley In-Tune Plan impact local businesses?
The plan outlines a framework for economic development, promoting strategies for key commercial areas and sectors for growth. Proposed goals, policies, and tools help attract investment, support local businesses, and enhance job growth, contributing to a vibrant local economy.
What’s the difference between the Tinley In-Tune Plan and zoning regulations?
The Tinley In-Tune Plan provides a macro-scale community-wide vision and strategic direction for the future. Zoning regulations are the legal regulatory tools that implement this vision on a more micro scale, supporting quality design, context-sensitive land use, and efficient infrastructure systems.
How can I access the Tinley In-Tune Plan?
The planning process is available through the Tinley Park Village website, at the village planning office, and through the dedicated project website www.TinleyInTune.com. We encourage residents to engage with us through feedback and participation in the ongoing planning efforts.
What is not included in the Tinley In-Tune Plan?
The plan doesn’t include development plans or specific architectural designs for buildings. Instead, it focuses on broader strategies and policies for land use, development, and community services.
How do we measure success of the Tinley In-Tune Plan?
Success is gauged by the realization of its goals through implemented projects, policies and village actions over the life of the plan, the positive impacts on the community, and how well the plan’s strategies have guided growth and development in alignment with the community’s vision.
What if I have something to share?
The planning process is inclusive and iterative, with multiple opportunities for public input. We encourage you to request a mic through the project website home page, submit comments, and engage with planners and elected officials.
Looking for Additional Answers?
Submit additional questions to info@thelakotagroup.com and we will make sure to address them in a timely manner! We look forward to seeing you soon.